Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Questions on Death of a Salesman From Class

Act 2
1)      In the scene where Willy is asking Howard for a job in NYC Willy is attempting to remind Howard of what he has done for him and his family in the past. Howard says, “Business is business,” and later Charley says, “When are you gonna realize that stuff doesn’t matter anymore?” What doesn’t Willy get here?

2)      How would you describe Willy’s treatment of Linda? Find an example in the text that displays how you feel he treats her.

3)      As we stated in class last time, Willy has a way of looking at things from the past and altering them to fit his current needs. How does he do this when speaking to Bernard about Biff’s issues with math in high school?

4)      With which character in the play do you feel the most sympathy and why?

1)      How do The Great Gatsby and Death of A Salesman address the American dream”?

2)      In the Requiem section of the play, we find out that no one shows up to Willy’s funeral. What do the other characters make of this? What do you make of this?


3)      Biff says: “Charley, there’s more of him in that front stoop than in all the sales he ever made “ (Miller 110). What do you think he meant by this?


4)      How do Biff, Happy and Linda end up feeling about Willy by the end of the play?

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